You know what?
I realized that I have not done a welcome post since starting this website. That was in late 2019, when it was a free site and nobody could find it. I will do this more often, for everybody new to the site and trying to figure out who I am. For those returning, welcome back!
My name is Sara Ellie MacKenzie. I am a self-published author through Amazon (currently) and the founder of owner of the nonprofit, CT Authors Partnership. My goal is to not only write and relate, but it also lend a hand to other indie authors in Connecticut. Any other information can be found on my website in the menu above, or you can read through the blog. I give out little pieces here and there.
Keep an eye out on this website. There will be updates mainly here, or on my social media pages. I often publish spoilers from my books, talk about myself and sometimes reveal my inspiration for my stories. With everything so new, this is going to be a learning process. And patience was never my strongest virtue...
Namaste, everyone! Have a great day!