I am not kidding.
How did it get to July already?
It is the end of my vacation (yes, I am working the 4th). But I am more amazed that we are more than halfway through the year. Yesterday, it was cold and I was working varying schedules everyday. An hour ago, spring had come and it was nice outside.
It is raining outside. Another excuse for me to sit inside and write. LOL I have been posting enough on social media as it is. It is a month and a half before "The Circle is Broken" will be available for Kindle pre-order. Sorry to those who want paperback. Amazon will release it when it is ready.
It is also that time of the year for organizing. Since COVID, I have jotted down story ideas and series. Now, I have to face 75+ ideas and organize them into a sort of storyline. This is how I am resolved to get at least 1 book published a year...
No, most of them are not connected to each other. I have created some as an afterthought to many series. Others are standalones. Some, I am wondering are worthy to be eventually printed.
It is almost like you are going through your things, deciding what to keep or donate. You do not know if you will get to it eventually. They were close to you at 1 point, though.
I think I will take that crazy July weather over indecision any day.