In case you did not catch it on social media...the Kindle pre-order of From Across the Sea is up! The release date is the end of this year 2025. Of course, it will be out earlier if I finish it. My goal is Halloween, but I know it is ambitious.
Oh, I cannot wait to share part one of Victoria's story with all of you.
I will leave you with the book summary below.
Namaste! Happy New Year!
#EndOfYearRelease #BookFive #NewNarrator #UnlovedDaughter #Abused #Survivor #WorldWar #NewLeader #IndieAuthor #NewBritain

Victoria was best known as the Ronald family's only surviving child. She spent an idyll childhood in Cennix, Vicroy, cloistered in a nursery with her mother and set to marry a man who lived in the neighboring lands. However, political, religious and social circumstances caused the loss of her mother and her home. She went into hiding with her father in the black market, Little Deef, and soon was running errands for its allies, the United Front.
For the next few years, it was chancy. Her father, the famed preacher John Ronald, traveled to various locations to speak the Word of God, while the United Front used the distraction to strike at Mother Church. The war was at an impasse until John was captured and Victoria was spirited away. John's beheading at the Ploum Prison in the summer of 279 sparked another kind of revolution. His followers initiated total anarchy in Klenard, plundering the barren earth and disregarding the United Front. Next, they turned their ugly eyes on the Klenard King, Edward, and set the kingdom ablaze.
Victoria's plans changed. After her escape from Klenard, she married the pirate Black Skull and lived quietly with an old widow, Julia Gloss, while her husband was away. She was depressed and inactive with the United Front until Julia's death. After continuous attacks on her home, Victoria decided to rejoin the United Front and assisted the exiled elderly King Robert. With the help of the pirate queen, Annette Sasha, she developed the strength and confidence before being entrusted to lead a battalion of her own.
With this new support, thousands gathered to her banner under the Ronald name alone. Alongside the United Front, they sailed on the offensive and gained one victory after another. Her goal was to reach Klenard and clear the path for King Robert. After the 281 assassination of King Edward, his son, Gregory, held the Crown securely, waiting for his elderly uncle to return.
Throughout the venture, there were doubts about Victoria from all sides. It was stated that the young woman would falter somewhere and be the stooge of the last person who spoke to her. Yet, with one success after another, her reputation was soon seeped in respect. Even the Holy One named her as an enemy of their institution, determined to blacken her name. But what Mother Church did not understand was that Victoria was unwilling to bend...