I think this year has said it all.
Whether you believe in masks, COVID, the government or the people around you, it does not matter. This post is not meant as a political statement or saying what I believe. We all have to agree on one thing: this year has been a challenge. Everyone has had something tough happen, from personal tragedy, loss of economic dependence and more.
From tragedy, we will rise. We all have to hope. I wish I could say to put aside your differences. That is not how humanity is about, though. I can ask for kindness and compassion. Maybe something that will make you smile, whether it is social, political, offensive, silly, whatever, will make 2021 a little easier.
I sure as hell hope so! Here's to 2021, everyone. This year has been about clarity. Maybe this new year coming to us bring goals achieved and dreams come true.
Make it so!