Hey, everyone, and welcome back to #FindOutFriday! Here are the answers. Which ones did you get right? Comment below!
Comete - On the map of southern Enos, which you can see in Revolution, there is a land called Comete. For World War II enthusiasts, it's the line in France and Belgium that helped soldiers and airmen escape to friendly lines. Actually called the Comet Line, it was headed by Andree de Jongh (1916-2007) and mostly ran by women. Captured helpers were often sent to concentration camps.
Henry VIII of England - Oh, the myths and legends of this King of England! King Gerald II of Klenard was like him in more than the wife department. Like Old King Hal, King Gerald liked to wage war. The several times Henry VIII set off to France was ridiculous. While not as warlike as his fictional counterpart, Henry loved the old stories of chivalry and good knights.
Hawkeye Pierce - Yes, I love MASH (the movie and the series) and adore Hawkeye Pierce, alcoholic as the character was. I based the character of Eric Bearback in Revolution after this zany clown (more the series than the movie). A heavy drinker and womanizer, unmarried and in love with the finer things in life, Eric loved to control his small domain...and instigate when he sees opportunity.
That's it until after the holidays, everyone. Namaste, have a great day!