Whew! It's the New Year! How did we get to 2025 so fast?
Calvin goes back to school today! Next week, I will begin #TriviaTuesday and then #BehindTheScenes the week after that. The answers to the former will be posted next Friday, 1/10. #BehindTheScenes is on Thursdays.
For the newbies here, the rules to the trivia game are simple. Every other Tuesday, I give 3 topics from history, geography, whatever. On Friday, I answer the questions in the blog. You have to know the books to pick where I reference them. I highly suggest you read them before you play.
As I've said, #BehindTheScenes is on Thursdays. I talk about me, my writing process, ideas I've learned, whatever I think is necessary to share. Sometimes, I expand on a topic I previously talked about, hence the odd numbering sometimes. Other times, I will make a list of favorites, of which I have so many of.
Happy New Year, everyone! Stay safe, and check out the preorder for From Across the Sea. Namaste!